Friday, June 22, 2012


Aku melihatmu disana, kau berdiri dalam balutan kemeja favoritku disana, tertawa bersama-teman-temanmu dan tampak bahagia. Aku tidak menyapa, tidak juga melambaikan tangan seperti biasa. Sebuah senyum lebar mengembang di wajahku, pandangan mata tidak lepas dari sosokmu yang biasanya hanya dapat kulihat dalam angan.

"Manda, kamu ngapain?"

Aku menoleh ke sumber suara, masih tersenyum.

"Ah, ga kok. Yuk." Ajakku pergi, sebelum beranjak aku menoleh, ingin melihat sosokmu untuk terakhir kalinya, tapi...

Kau sudah tidak ada disana.

Ini yang terakhir, semoga.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Someday my prince will come

A friend of mine and I liked the same person. Wow, that's so straight-forward of me. Yeah, I'm gonna give up. I'm not the kind of person who would break a friendship just because of some stupid thing people call as 'crush'. I have not been friends with her for long but she's a nice girl and fun to talk to. We share the same hobbies and interests and- yeah she's cool. She just told me around last week about the person she like and, what a coincidence I accidentally like the same person too!

Nah, I'm not gonna use the term 'love' here because I am positive that what I'm feeling right now is nowhere close to that term. How can I be so sure? I can't say right now but I bet the future me must have something to say about this. She must've already known who I'm gonna marry in now, yep my laptop /shot. No, I was just kidding. Okay back to topic.

I just flashed a really bright smile on my face to her and say: 'REALLY? OMG THAT'S SO AWESOME, I'LL BE ROOTING FOR YOU!'. And that's not a lie, because I'm giving up all those stupid feelings I've kept for myself all this time and will devote myself as their faithful supporter. Face it dear, he won't return the favor. He's out of you reach. He's too good for you and you're too good for him, dear. Nothing will ever happen between you and him.

And now it's time to let go. Let everything get washed away along with the tears streaming down on my cheeks. No, they're just fantasy tears. You know I'm not the kind of person who would cry just for something as trivial as this, right? I know you know me better than this.I'll forget all those useless feelings and move on, treat him like other guys. I'll treat everyone with the same smile on my face until I found 'him'. 'Him'? Yeah, my prince because someday my prince will come. Without a white horse nor a sword on his hand. Simply with a smile on his face and his hand reached towards me. When that time come, I'll gladly take it and give him the best smile on my face.

But a little hint for now wouldn't be that bad, right God? :) 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Crying My Eyes Out :')

The lyrics pierced through my heart. God, I miss mom and dad so much :')

Monday, April 16, 2012


Entah kapan terakhir kali saya membuat post dalam bahasa ibu saya ini, hahaha. Mungkin karena saya berharap blog ini bisa go-internasional tapi sayangnya setelah saya melihat chatbox saya baru sadar bahwa sepertinya hampir tidak ada pengunjung 'asli'nya alias numpang iklan doang. Setelah itu saya mendapat ilham: Kenapa ga jadikan ini blog curhat aja? Oke itu bukan karakter saya, tapi... mungkin itu akan meluapkan beban di hati saya ya? Daripada saya sibuk menggalau tak tentu arah dan belajar kacau balau lebih baik saya tuangkan saja disini supaya lega, ya kan? Ya kan?

Sssst pembaca-pembaca sekalian, asal kalian tahu ini r a h a s i a yang hanya diketahui oleh kita berdua, oke?

Jadi begini, sebut saja saya suka sama Dr. X. Dr. X itu adalah salah satu senior saya di fakultas kedokteran. Sudah jadi dokter atau belum? Itu rahasia. Angkatan berapa? Itu juga rahasia. Kuliah dimana? Sudah dibilang rahasia!

Oke, skip.

Jadi saya sudah suka sejak kejadian aneh di awal tahun pertama saya di fakultas kedokteran. Sekarang saya semester dua jadi... sudah 6 bulan ya? Wah waktu cepat sekali berlalu.

Tiap saya lihat dia... Eh takikardi. Ga ketemu? Bradikardi? Tidak, saudara-saudara sekalian. Biasa aja, cuma ya kecewa. Tahulah bagaimana rasanya kalau jatuh cinta. Feses kucing pun rasa coklat- ini cuma pepatah, jangan mentang-mentang jatuh cinta ngasi feses kucing buat Valentine's Day ya!

Mau tahu lanjutannya? Sampai jumpa di post berikutnya! :))

semua cerita di atas adalah fiksi belaka. tengkyu :*

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pyrogen :(

Feverish. Need. Rest. And. Ice cream. Nao.

No, all I need right now is you, you, and you. And a cup of vanilla ice cream, well cookies and cream is better. Whipped cream <3 And no cherry on top, just YOU.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Saturday, March 31, 2012


If we're in a manga, I hope you could be the hero, and I could be the heroine. Yet, I believe that the heroine spot has been taken by someone else. Well, a girl gotta know when to give up right?

I wish we have a certain bond, a strong bond like covalent bonds that could bound 2 different molecules at its best.

... Man I'm screwed. Exams are 2 weeks ahead and all I do was procrastinate, procrastinate, and procrastinate.

I'm screwed.