Saturday, May 23, 2009

Setelah Hiatus

Wew. hello everybody. the final exam's done so i can update my blog again. yippe! 

now, i've been busy thinking about which high school i should attend. i'm confused between SMUN 1 Denpasar and SMA Taruna Nusantara. If i attend SMUN 1 Denpasar, i can skip another year in acceleration class, which means i shall graduate high school in the age of 15. but, if i get to Taruna Nusantara, i will get better and i will be able to improve my physic skills there. wew, hard choices . Any suggestions? 

In love life, everythings going fine. just a secret between you and me, we got closer and he usually talks to me now. i'm kinda happy,  sadly, we will attend different high schools. 

Oh, and today, me and my friend, winny, bought 2 purple balloons. She lend me her money because i didn't brought my wallet. Then her balloon popped. So she asks m for her money to buy a new balloon. but i gave her my balloon instead of paying. *advantages for me* :p

today my mom cooked me som nice fried frogs. *it's not the ones we used to see in our gardens or ponds, duh. it's awesome. i just can't get enough~ wew. i like that song. The Satursdays are great. I'm currently listening to Gita Gutawa's song, parasit. it's indonesian though. but the lyrics are great. as for westerns, i'm listening to The click five (I Quit, I Quit, I Quit!) and Jesse McCartney (Body Language). For Japanese, i'm currently listening to Emiri Miyamoto (Tokyo Et Paris) *soundtrack of Nodame Cantabile Paris-Hen and Kurumi Enomoto (Bouken Suisei) *soundtrack of Tales of The Abyss. 

I'm watchin nodame cantabile paris-hen and sailor moon *from the start until the end, 4 seasons x) . i'm also watching Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood. They're awesome. Watch 'em. They're reccomended *by me. 

that's all. see you soon x)

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