Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentine's Day - 1 = FIRST DAY OF 2ND SEMESTER

Tomorrow's Valentines Day- yaaaaaaaaaaay- wait for me it's just an ordinary Tuesday. Seriously guys, what's so special? It's just February 14th. Flowers, chocolates, candies, teddy bears, love poems, valentine's day cards, cupcakes, more chocolates, more, and more, and MORE chocolate. Yeah, it's special .____.

Seriously guys, do you have to wait 'till valentine's day to treat your girls better? Girls, do you need to wait for February 14th to make chocolates and shower your cherished ones with love? I don't think that's the real meaning of love. Maybe that's what makes Valentine's Day so special? I don't know and that is why I don't think I will celebrate Valentine's Day until I found that special someone, so guess what? I won't make/buy any chocolate for Valentine's Day. Yay~ But I'll accept anything you give to me. Sweets are most preferable. *shot *Y-U-NO-JUST-ADMIT-THAT-YOU-ONLY-WANT-THE-SWEETS* H-Hahahaha what are you talking about, inner voice inside my brain?.

Anyway, today marks my first day of the second semester! OMG OMG SO EXCITED *shot
Cell, cell, cell. That's the only thing that I can think of right now. Today turned out to be such an awesome yet such a hectic day. Surrounded by friends, friends, and more friends- and no family :'
God I miss mom and dad soooo much. I was crying a river when I had to leave Bali, my comfy bed, my beloved stuffed toys, my room, my sofa, my shoes, my dresses, and my SHORTS for the sake of a better future :')

Gotta finish my report now! D: ciao!

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